We Matched! Here's How You Can, Too - AAFP News

March 30, 2023, David Mitchell — On March 17, more than 4,500 medical students and graduates matched into family medicine residencies. AAFP News recently talked with candidates about experiencing medical school during the pandemic and why they chose the specialty. In this second Q&A, we asked students what advice they would offer to those matching in 2024 and beyond.

AAFP News: How did you decide which programs to apply to?

Ngo: I definitely used a database to find out what is out there. There are just so many programs. I mostly focused on the Midwest because that's where my support system is and then a little bit in Northern California where my parents are. Then I focused on which programs in those two areas had good women's health, for example, or which ones had broad-spectrum training, which was important for me. 

Ngo: I would say mentorship. I had very strong family medicine faculty who gave me more information about family medicine. But the biggest things were my clerkships and being in the clinic, being on those department rotations, seeing what family medicine is all about. It gave me a full picture of what it is and how I can fit in it.

Yu: Meeting family doctors and hearing the breadth of work they do. Also really reflecting on the relationship I hope to have with my patients and the type of impact I hope to have on my community.

AAFP News: What advice do you have about ranking programs?

Ngo: I struggled a lot with ranking because there are so many awesome programs. "What is important to you?" is what I was asking myself. I had to think about, "If it's going to be a hard day in my rotation during residency, what's going to keep me centered?" I ranked programs highly where my family is and where my partner is. Those were the biggest factors.

Yu: I have a spreadsheet. I did all of my interviews in a relatively condensed period of time, so things definitely blend together. I tried to be as honest as possible when taking notes about my thoughts on program opportunities, how residents and faculty talked about each other and their experiences. Having all of this when I put together my rank list a few months later was very helpful.

AAFP News: Family medicine residencies have new requirements starting June 1. What did you learn on the interview trail about how residencies are innovating with the new requirements?

Yu: I'm most excited about all the extra elective time. I have so many varied interests, so I'm really excited to see what opportunities I am able to take advantage of. I was impressed that so many programs don't have to change too much because they were already innovating and recognizing the skills their trainees need to develop.


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