Purposeful Brands And The Dangers Of The Victim-Victimizer Narrative - Forbes

It is paradoxical that, while there is ample evidence that globalization and capitalism have helped destroy poverty in the world, trust in brands and companies is on the ground. Many citizens look at them with skepticism and as a cause of their problems, not as part of the solution. For example, the Edelman Trust Barometer shows us only a 56 index of citizens thinking that businesses do what is right. But in some countries, trust indexes for the mass population are even lower. In Russia, the index is 30. In the U.K. it is 42, and in Spain, it is 45. The U.S. has a 47 trust index.

David Brooks, writing for The Atlantic, argues that "social trust is a measure of the moral quality of a society." In businesses, social trust translates into a good brand positioning and a potentially healthy customer relationship. Thus, it is a measure of your brand quality. But social trust was not an ingredient most marketers did care about until recently. Instead, marketers have traditionally emphasized mass marketing tactics to build their brands and, in many ways, they forgot the importance of having customers trusting them. At the same time, traditional mass advertising has seen a decline in its effectiveness over the last decades, as Professor Gerald Tellis from USC, among others, has shown. 

So, when traditional advertising does not work as before, what did brands do? Some moved to unconventional ways of building brands, opting for new media or new creative paths, trying to hyper-segment and reach customers with a new language. The result has worked for some, but most often than not, the new world of social media and programmatic advertising has been more obscure than many of us hoped, as Tim Hwang puts it in his book Subprime Attention Crisis.

The rise of purpose

At a higher level than the marketing department, numerous companies have embraced the stakeholder theory and understood that pursuing profit should not be the only objective. As a result, CSR has been entering the conversations of many boards of directors and management committees, although, in many cases, opportunistically or defensively. The recent update of the Business Roundtable's "statement on the purpose of a corporation" reflects a gradual but profound shift in the consciousness of top management. We see more and more companies recognizing the importance of having a positive impact on society. Some go from simply investing in a set of social initiatives, while others seek a social purpose intimately linked to everything they do.

But the whole idea that companies have responsibilities and do not only exist to make a profit is not new. Religious leaders, along with some prominent philosophers, have emphasized its importance. Moreover, we can find examples from long ago of business leaders who cared for the well-being of their employees and the communities in which they operated. For example, in Marketing academia, an excellent scholar to read is Prof C.B. Bhattacharya, a leading pioneer in the concept of CSR and purpose, a topic on which he started working decades ago. In his recent book Small Actions, Big Difference, Prof. Bhattacharya shows the importance of companies winning at sustainability and the many benefits that come with it: a happier workforce, higher customer loyalty, and better long-term profits. 

When the marketing department is asked to work on a purpose

So, when the board emphasizes purpose, they may look at the marketing department and ask them to build a "purposeful brand." And, what is a purposeful brand? The term is elusive, but, in my opinion, a brand with purpose is not a brand that uses some social initiatives to guide its marketing and/or communication. Instead, it is a brand whose identity is inseparable from a social purpose. Typical cited examples of purposeful brands are Patagonia, TOMS, Starbucks, Warby Parker, Unilever, Nestle, Philips, among many others. However, every time a brand is cited as an example or appears in a list of purposeful brands, you could also see a watchdog claiming that brand is not ethical enough on its actions about a particular topic.

It is nice that marketers talk about purpose and ethical behavior. It is even nicer when boards react to this with enthusiasm rather than skepticism. Michael Porter claims that businesses are the organizations that are better equipped to create social progress when they find an efficient way to solve a social need by making a profit. Social progress and profitability are not in fight with each other. For Porter, creating "shared value" is what good capitalism should be.

But building a purposeful brand is not easy. Mainly because there is always a tension between "saying" and "doing," as Malena Cutuli, AVP for Marketing Communications at Nestle and an expert in purposeful branding, told me in a recent conversation. In the current advertising world, it is challenging to capture customers' attention and, even if you do, it is tough to make them believe you. 

The problem of brand purpose

We must accept the premise that purposes are not made equal, and some purposes are "bad" purposes. While most of us would agree with a large variety of social purposes, such as the ones contained in the Sustainable Development Goals drafted by the United Nations, there might be a profound customer division in other social purposes. There might also be a division in how companies and brands make a case for one of the SDGs. When there is polarization about a specific social purpose, marketers enter into troubled territory. 

In practice, marketers need to find purposes and also specific initiatives linked to them, as professors Rodriguez-Vilá and Bharadwaj propose in their HBR article "Competing on social purpose." The board might, for instance, set a specific SDG as the primary purpose of the organization and ask the marketing department to develop specific initiatives and tactics to communicate them to customers. Here is where there could be significant tension and countless mistakes.

Imagine that there is such a polarization about a purpose or the way to implement it that we end up having two opposing groups. One approves it; the other does not. Then, we must accept that one group is correct (that social purpose is a good purpose) and another is wrong. You will agree that both groups cannot be right unless, of course, you are a relativist. And I mean good or bad in the ethical or moral meaning of the term, not in the business opportunity from pursuing it. 

Of course, the fact that a great majority of a population accepts a social purpose or the way to implement it does not make it good. Also, the fact that it creates division does not make it bad. History teaches us that public opinion has made terrible mistakes before. But when division exists, the communication challenge is higher because there is potential to damage the brand and create further division. On the other hand, a communication expert might also claim that there is an opportunity because division creates interest and attention.

Our cultural war

Brands and the marketers who manage them don't live in a vacuum. Their customers and themselves are embedded in a cultural context. And we live in a profound cultural war. For example, plenty of thinkers have raised their voices warning how freedom of speech has never been attacked so heavily in the name of social justice. Some ideas are just so politically incorrect or offensive that people are afraid to talk and express their opinions. Many are not even allowed to joke about specific ideas or minorities. For some, like psychologist Lisa Feldman, speech can be violent. For others, Feldman's argument is flawed and dangerous, as Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff argue in The Atlantic. A new Puritanism is here, and it has flourished in companies but, especially, in Universities

Much of this cultural war is based on a new version of the old victim-victimizer narrative that proved so effective to make communism flourish in countries like Russia, North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela, to cite a few. But this narrative, as Dr. Jordan B. Peterson puts it, only works when you are the victim. Being the villain is not so much fun. Yet when we start to categorize everyone by wealth, education, sex, gender orientation, race, country of origin, political bias, and religion, chances are that you fall into one of the wrong categories and hence end up being the villain.

Many brands have fallen into the trap of this narrative, and they have done it in the name of purpose. Take the example of the anti-republicans and anti-Trump tag "Vote the assholes out" that Patagonia attached to some of its products. Is this aligned with what a "purposeful brand" should be? Of course, one could disagree on whether a particular political party or individual is good or evil. Still, it is difficult to defend that actions from so-called "purposeful brands" should attack and divide, in an already highly polarized society, as the U.S. is now. 

Another example of how ideologies permeate brands is Unilever's Dove brand, giving grants through the Black Birth Equity Fund to "birthing individuals." I guess that the term "woman" was too offensive. At the same time, Unilever has a house of brands with some like Dove Men Care, Sunsilk, or Glow & Lovely, among others, targeting men and women in a much more traditional way. Especially interesting is how careful they are in portraying specific values in countries very different from the U.S. A look at Sunsilk ads in Pakistan or Glowe & Lovely in India will show you that Unilever seems to lack congruence in how they portray women across the globe.

The Patagonia and Dove's examples are just two tactical implementations. There are many others. The problem might come when marketers start to adopt a "messianic" zeal in which they try to influence society with their own obsessions and ideologies. Then, in the name of purpose, they may end up in the trap of radical indoctrination.

Purpose is not for all brands

While firms should accept the idea that they should serve several stakeholders, not everyone can -and should- develop their brands around a social purpose. One thing is to take social needs seriously; another one is to build a brand around the purposes a company is pursuing. That might not be a good idea, nor might it create any good for society, for several reasons.

First, because some of the current ideologies in vogue might not be the correct ones and, even if they are, they may divide an already polarized society, as explained above. Is this what your brand is supposed to do? Well, maybe other organizations are more effective at that.

Second, because brand building through advertising or other means is rarely a dialogue. A long time ago, some executives from Facebook told us the world of advertising was dead, and brands should start talking to their customers. But this way of building brands is the exception rather than the rule, and Facebook finally became one of the most lucrative advertising businesses in history. If it is not a dialogue, chances are you end up indoctrinating more than thinking together.

Third, because marketers and board directors owe themselves to several stakeholders, many of them with different views about the problem at hand. Is it a good idea to create division among them?

Fourth, because companies are, in general, not the organizations with the highest reputation, so maybe you should follow the evangelical principle to avoid trying to take the speck out of others' eyes, when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye.

Fifth, purpose is a profound concept, and managers are not the brightest thinkers in our society. They might be the most effective doers, but doing is different from understanding. You may think you understand a concept because you are familiar with a term, but chances are that you just started scratching the surface of its meaning. Rephrasing David Packard, purpose is too important to be left to the marketing or the communications department.

Finally, let's not forget that there is a hierarchy in the quality of the goodness that an organization does to society. For instance, no matter how good, a company producing salami does not have the same potential impact in the community as a good University. Not all purposes fit with all value creation models, and precisely those that in theory have the highest capacity to do good are also the ones that can do more harm.

However, let's finish by saying that many companies should indeed build purposeful brands. Purpose is not for all brands, but it is for some. And let's not forget freedom of speech; companies and their managers should be free to talk. The point is to do so wisely and, if possible, try to unite rather than divide. Cancel culture impacts branding efforts. But one should not attack cancel culture with further cancellation. That was not the intent of this article. The intent is to make you think twice before developing a "purposeful brand," because the consequences of the actual implementation might not contribute to social progress at all.


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