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Doctors seeing more sick kids this year - KKTV 11 News

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - Local doctors are seeing more and more kids come through their doors sick with all sorts of different illnesses.

They say this year is the exact opposite of last year when it comes to the amount of sicknesses going around, and it's not just COVID.

"This year has been 180 degrees different than last year," Dr. Adam Robinson, a pediatrician at Matthews-Vu Medical Group said. "This time last year we virtually saw no sicknesses, upper respiratory illnesses, RSV, flu--and it's the opposite this year. So we are inundated with sick visits, kids with anything from the common cold to influenza and of course COVID."

The pediatrician says this is because people are gathering in larger groups, schools are back in session, and people might not be taking the same safety precautions as they were last year.

"I think there's a combination of factors. Number one, this time of the year, the season with cooler weather coming, it's a natural time for these viruses to start replicating in the environment and spreading. Secondly, with schools returning and a lot of other activities, we're congregating in bigger areas. And so there's a lot more transmission of these viruses just because of that spread."

He adds all of the things that doctors have been preaching over the past year still apply to other illnesses.

"When it comes to influenza and COVID and all of these other respiratory illnesses, the basic common sense measures do make a big difference. So washing hands, keeping your distance from those who are sick, if you are sick, staying away from crowds school activities. They really go a long way."

Dr. Robinson also stressed the importance of getting your child tested for COVID even if they only have one symptom because COVID can look like a lot of other illnesses.

"If there is any type of symptom, runny nose, headache, sore throat, cough, stuffiness, come to medical attention and get evaluated," he said. "And perhaps now more than ever, it's important to do some type of test to identify exactly what virus this is to know how at risk am to get severely sick or to pass it to somebody."

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